When to bet Teasers
Okay now you know how teasers work, now time to explain when is
the best time to make a teaser bet. Here are a couple examples of
when we advise considering betting a football teaser bet.
First scenario, you like 2 small underdogs and expect the games
to be very close and also believe they both have a chance to win
the game outright. Making a 2 team 6 point teaser bet in this situation
is giving you some added assurance. For example the Jets are getting
+2.5 against Baltimore, and the Bears are getting +3 against Minnesota.
You now have the Jets +8.5 and the Bears +9. If both games are tight
(within one score) like you predict they will be the teaser bet
is a smart angle to play.
Another scenario we like is playing favorites in the -2.5 to -8.5
range. For example the Packers are -8.5 against Buffalo, and the
Cowboys are -2.5 against Washington. Making a 2 team 6 point football
teaser bet would give you the Packers -2.5 who now only need to
win by a field goal, and getting +3.5 with the Cowboys, who can
now even lose the game by a field a goal and still win your teaser
bet for you. By making teaser bets in the -2.5 to -8.5 points spread
range you are essentially skipping over key numbers like 3, 4, 6,
and 7 and sometimes even getting the biggest key number of them
all 3 back in your favor.
We hope this has piece has educated you on betting teasers, if
you have any questions about teaser betting you can contact us via
our contact form and we can answer anymore in depth questions you
may have. Before you do that, don’t forget to get your winning
NFL point spread picks from